JG Acupuncture Clinic Joyce Gu Licensed Acupuncturist
159 Main Dunstable Road, suite 210, Nashua, NH 03060
Phone: (603)402-1243, www.jgacupunctureclinic.com
The New Rules of the Heart by Alice Park and Jeffrey Kluger of Time
An estimated 610,000 Americans will die of cardiovascular disease this year. It's the No. 1 killer of both men and women and the cause of 1 of 4 deaths overall.
Here are some of the most important ways the old thinking has been upended by new science - and what they can mean for you and the health of your heart.
Old Thinking: Focus on lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol.
New Science: There are actually different kinds of LDL - and raising "good" HDL levels may be even more important.
Dietary Fat
Old Thinking: All saturated fat is bad and should be seriously limited
New Science: It's complicated -- but trans fats are the worst for your heart
Blood Pressure
Old Thinking: The 120/80 ratio signals healthy blood pressure and a healthy heart.
New Science: Your blood pressure may need to drop even lower
Daily Aspirin
Old Thinking: Take a baby sapirin a day to prevent a heart attack
New Science: If you haven't already had a heart attack, the pill is not advised.
Weight Loss
Old Thinking: Burn more calories than you take in if you want to lose weight
New Science: It's not just how many but where they come from that matters.
Cholesterol Drugs
Old Thinking: People with high cholesterol should likely be taking a statin
New Science: Some people may need a different drug altogether - or none at all