JG Acupuncture Clinic Joyce Gu Licensed Acupuncturist
159 Main Dunstable Road, suite 210, Nashua, NH 03060
Phone: (603)402-1243, www.jgacupunctureclinic.com
Is Organic Food Really Healthier? The latest research sheds some light on how to shop By Alexandra Sifferlin
Anyone who's been in a supermarket lately knows labels can be tricky. Between 'organic," "local' and other food claaims, what's a savvy shopper to do? A comprehensive new review of research reveals that organic crops have higher levels of antioxidants and less pesticide residue than conventional produce. If eating organic --- and avoicing pestcides matters to you, here's what to know:
Organic Conventional
How the crops are grown
Organic farms cannot use GMOs, pesticides or chemical l Conventional farms can use genetically modified seeds,
fertilizers. Also, crops can't be exposed to those things l and crops are often grown with pesticides and chemical
for three years before harvest. l fertilizers.
Where the crops are grown
Organic crops can be grown anywhere, as long as the l The USDA says there's no consensus on local. According
farm adheres to the USDA's strict organic-certification l to a 2008 act, it means up to 400 miles---equal to the
standards. l distance from Boston to Washington.
The nutritional difference
This has been a topic of debate, but a recent study l It depends on who you ask, but some argue that the high
found that organic food has 17% more antioxidant l yield and larger size of conventional crops lower their
activity than conventional crops. l concentration of nutrients.
Stand up for your health September 9, 2014
Studies have long connected sedentary behavior to poor health, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity and hypertension. 24% increased risk of colon cancer in people who are highly sedentary. Even when we're not exercising, we are moving and using energy called nonexercise activity thermogenesis, or NEAT, and it can keep that activity machinery well oiled, also increase the daily caloric burn. Research show that 500 -- 1000 number of calories office workers don't burn each day because they sit. So try standing up more than you sit at your desk.
Refer Time Health section by Alice Park Sept. 8, 2014